Taranta Blog

Are You Going Green T-Shirt

Posted In: Taranta News

po439836-front1.jpgpo439836-back2.jpgWe received our “Are you going green” green long sleeve t-shirts to give to our employees and VIP friends as a Holiday gift. Initially I was looking for an Organic Fair Trade Cotton Shirt or Bamboo, I was running out of time and the printer I had worked in the past did not carry the model I needed, so for this time I went and order conventional cotton, as I did before. The front of the shirt reads Are you going Green? and the back reads the following. WE ARE !!! TARANTA RESTAURANT a green certified restaurant We recycle, compost, and produce almost no garbage, use renewable power,use “low carbon foodprint” products,use post consumer recycled paper, use PLA biodegradable products, use energy efficient lighting, use a car that runs on recycled cooking oil, feature a biodynamic, organic and sustainable farming wine list, buy local and save water, and many other things.  All thanks to the effort of our staff. Anna, Jose, Laura, Nad, Tono, Maria, Marina, Kimberly, Sarah, Melquis, Roberto, Marin, Juan, Ayala, Alaa, Max, Wookie, Eli, Nicole, Ventha, David, Edi, Adriano.